Brandt Terang 3 Person Ambrose Stroke Nett
On Saturday 44 players competed in the Brandt Terang 3 Person Ambrose Stroke Nett
Winners were:
1st Hamish Huffadine, Steven Crees, Luke Smith, Hcp 2.16, 59 Nett 56.84
2nd Neil Gowland, Charles Kenny, Aidan Mansbridge, Hcp 11.36, 70 Nett 58.67
3rd Peter Cashmore, Darren Smith, Chris Huffadine, James Skeiwes, Hcp 7, 66 Nett 59Nearest Pins were 5th Peter Cashmore, 7th Hamish Huffadine, 10th Todd Brunt and 14th Charles Kenny.
On Thursday the 12 hole Chicken Day event Kazza’s Railway View Hotel chicken was won by Darryle Beames from runner-up David Gamble. Nearest pin was Darryle Beames.
Next Saturday will be Stableford Guest Day.